Monday, April 7, 2008

Now Is My Time!

Do you ever do anything on impulse?

I ask the question not knowing if anyone is reading this! I might be talking to myself but I guess I'm used to that because I have been keeping a personal journal for over twenty years. But in journal writing I don't usually ask myself questions.

About three or four weeks ago I didn't even know what a blog was. I feel a little bit like the writer and speaker, Patsy Clairmont, who recently started blogging. She said, "At my age I thought blogging meant I had a blockage or it was a description of that band of jello slosing around my middle. ." My niece sent me a devotional from Proverbs 31 Ministry and this is where I first noticed the word "blog." I clicked it on and soon found myself in a brand new world! One blog led to another and another and I found myself reading for hours. I am not as disciplined as I would like to be and I became almost obsessed with blogging. Then I realized that I could start a blog! I then spent more time reading how to set up a blog, etc. And I was really excited when I posted my own first blog! Several days later it occurred to me that I would run out of stuff to write in a very short time. I didn't think it through for my age limits much of my former activities.

I first named my blog "Pass the Torch" because I thought that sounded neat to pass the thoughts I would write with others. Then I decided to change it to "Let Your Light Shine."
That seemed a good thing to do but now with a little more thought "Looking Back" seems a better name because most of what I write will be things that have already happened. This blog might be like a meteor - it's there and it's gone! But even a meteor has its moment of glory and people somewhere in the world will see it. So, I'll enjoy my moment. . . for now is my time!

I sure feel better now that I have all this before you! Tomorrow my subject title will be, "I Believe in Angels." Do you?