When my great grandson was about two and a half years of age I picked him up from the daycare where he attended, and we started walking to the car. All of a sudden, he stopped, bent down and started picking up broken pieces of plastic from the ground. The plastic looked like a small Easter egg that had been stepped on. He carefully placed each piece in his little hand and looking up at me with such confidence on his face, said, "Paw Paw can fix it!"
Oh, how many times this scene has come back to me when I have looked at the pieces of brokenness in situations that have entered into my life and into the lives of my family. I can see that precious little boy and hear him saying, without any hesitation, "Paw Paw can fix it!"
Is there something in your life that has been broken and shattered? Is the heartache almost more than you can bear? Place all of the pieces in the hand of your Heavenly Father and with a childlike faith and trust, believe that, "With God all things are possible." There is nothing too hard for Him. . . nothing!
"Paw Paw can fix it!"