Visiting at my sister-in-laws house she took me to her back yard and said that she wanted to show me what "she and the Lord had done." Beautiful plants filled the yard and as we walked around she would point to different ones as she called each by name. She tenderly cares for these plants, and knows exactly what each one needs to flourish and bloom.
My mind took me to another sister-in-law that has devoted many, many hours creating and designing exquisite clothes for her dolls, dressing them with attire from the late 19th century and early 20th. The dolls and the plants are just two examples of how each one of us are being drawn to a particular interest and from this a unique and distinct pattern of creativity develops.
The achievements throughout the world that evolve from the human mind stagger the imagination. Yet God is the original creator of all things and the facets of creativity we see in human beings are sparks of energy from His Omnipotence.
We are "wonderfully and fearfully made" and God has placed within us creative desires and abilities that go beyond our scope of vision. May none of us feel that our "little design" is inferior to others but realize that we are a part of a larger design and pattern that God has conceived. Like a kaleidoscope, beautiful images continually emerge.
Thank you, Father, for allowing each of us to have a part in your workmanship. We stand in awe of its beauty. You are the one who created the heavens and the earth. You also formed each one of us, giving us different talents and gifts and wisdom to create and then to enjoy the fruit of our labor. And this creative process will continue throughout the eons of time. We give you praise, and honor and glory for everything that we behold. Marvelous are your works, oh, God.