In 1974 I suffered a serious burn and was in the hospital for five weeks. After skin grafts I had to lie perfectly still on the bed for about five or six days. During this period of time I had a vision and the message of that vision is just as clear today as it was then.
In my mind I could see turbulent waters and a little yellow feather floating unharmed in the boisterous waves. I asked God what this meant and He said that the yellow feather represented me. I asked what earthly use could there be for a yellow feather. He answered, "My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways." I was given loving assurance that the feather belonged to Him and that its value was known only to Him. I then asked, "But why is it yellow?" He revealed that to me yellow represented fears and I had many fears.
The main thought that was left with me was to always keep my focus on His love and not look at the weakness and frailty of the feather. I did not see His eye but I could feel His eye with a love I could never, ever explain.
Through the years I have had times of feeling so fearful and inadequate and when the "yellow feather" comes to my mind, I am reminded that God loves me with an everlasting love and will protect me through all the storms of life.
There was one time in particular that I was going through a time of darkness and I received a little yellow feather in the mail from a friend that I had shared this vision with. A note was enclosed. She wrote that her young daughter found the feather on the ground and when she looked at it she thought of me. Coincidence? I think not! Rather another reminder of God's tender and compassionate love.
"His eye is on the sparrow
And I know He watches me."