The Treasured Book
A thought came to me that I might have some books that I had borrowed that needed to be returned. I had quite a few books and went to my bookshelf to look. I found several and one in particular caught my attention. It was a small book probably not more than a half inch thick. I opened the cover and realized that the book belonged to a friend, Anita, that I had not seen for over fifteen years! I had no idea where she lived but I remembered a close friend of hers that lived in the Houston area.
I called her friend, Rachel and was able to get an address and mailed the book with an enclosed note. Almost immediately I received a note from Anita, telling me that she was having a very difficult time in her life. She said that she had been praying that God would bring back to her that particular book. . . and He did! It was such a joy to me that I was the one that had the book! We both rejoiced and gave praise to God.
You never know when you have a thought to do something, say something, call or write a note to someone that it might be God that is whispering this thought into your mind and heart.