With heavy heart, I went to the attic to get the decorations. I pulled the box to the door and, kneeling in front, removed the lid. Nostalgia hit me with such force! I just laid my head against that door and crying said, "Don, I love you, I love you, I love you."
Then to my amazement, I saw that right where my head had rested was one of those familiar plastic labels, and printed on it were the words, I LOVE YOU.
It was as if Don had broken the barrier of time and space to speak to us that day. I ran to get my husband to show him our son's message. Tears filled his eyes as we hugged, and the light and love of Christmas filled our hearts and soon was reflected on our tree and in our home, making this the most beautiful Christmas we have ever had.
We still live in the house where this incident happened and the little I LOVE YOU tape remains on the attic door.
The pictures below were taken of the door into the attic. The little plastic tape could have been there as long as two years prior to that day of discovery. My husband, Curtis, and I had been in and out of the attic, yet neither of us noticed the tape until the day my head rested on it. I love what Curtis said, "It was like God planted a seed, then hid it from view until time for it to bloom."
Love. . . has no limits. . . it transcends through time and space.